Finale Review
Finale by Stephanie Garber
I really don’t know what to say about this book. It’s left me with a mega book hangover, and I’ve been sulking since I finished it. Because I had read Once Upon A Broken Heart before reading this series I had some idea of what to expect, and I did enjoy piecing together what I already knew with the events unfolding in this story, but that didn’t mean that some of it didn’t hurt.
I thought this book felt quite different from the other two in the Caraval trilogy. There is still a mystery to solve, and the stakes for the two sisters are higher than ever but it feels a little darker and more serious than the previous two books, without the whimsy of Caraval as it’s backdrop. The magic we’re exposed to is all much more sinister and felt much more ‘life or death’.
This time the story alternates between Tella and Scarlett’s point of view, though is more heavily focused on Tella. Like with Legendary, I preferred this, though it was nice to ‘check in’ with Scarlett and see her character continue to grow as well. Julian, Legend and Jacks (my fave) are still all around too, so there’s still a healthy dose of romance drama (though lots of love-triangley stuff in case that’s not your thing). After falling a little bit in love with Legend in the last book I have to say I completely fell out of love with him this time. Maybe its because I love Jacks so much, but Legend felt really different and it was hard to even like him, let alone route for him.
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Book 3 of 3 (complete)
Genre: YA Fantasy
Tropes: Magic and Mystery | Morally Grey Characters